by | May 10, 2018 | Politics, Yuri Vanetik
It is more important than ever for parents to think about the most appropriate way to explain politics to their kids. The ever-changing political field can make it seem daunting for parents who have never done so, but it remains important to teach your children early.... by | May 19, 2016 | Politics
When Donald Trump took to Twitter on May 17 to encourage his 8.28 million followers to tune into Fox News that evening for his interview with political pundit Megyn Kelly, most of us had an inkling that the highly-anticipated interview more than likely went well. An... by | Aug 21, 2015 | Politics, Yuri Vanetik
Below is an article from Investor’s Business Daily by Thomas Tucker and me. Donald Trump has seen his popularity soar with his attacks on PC culture. He has not allowed his speech to be stifled, and other candidates shouldn’t allow theirs to be either....