Never settle. Those words have resonated with me throughout my career. I’ve always had the urge to do more, to accomplish more, to go further, and to aim even higher than I have. Some of what I’ve sought out in my years of refusal to settle have personal–they’re achievements and accomplishments I seek to reach. Others are broader–not settling for what we as human beings are presented with by the world around us. Some of them are both–bringing me to my overarching goal of standing for what I believe, backing those whom have earned my trust, and making positive steps towards a stronger, better America.
In that very same vein, I am proud to announce to you that I have been appointed by the New York GOP as the National Finance Co-Chair. In the position, I’ll take a leading role in the nation-wide fundraising efforts of the New York GOP. It’s a role that I’m excited to step into, spearheading the efforts to help to reshape the state of New York.
The road towards pushing back against the efforts of Mayor De Blasio and Governor Cuomo is going to be bumpy, but any New Yorker can tell you that they are no stranger to rough road conditions. New York has gone blue in the general election every year since Reagan in 1984, but a strong state–and a strong country–comes in part due to strong leadership. I look forward to combining efforts with the fantastic team of GOP officials that has been assembled.
For me, this position is one in which I hope to make a tangible difference. Through the hard work put into this country by myself and the long, storied list of those before me, I’ve sought to leave this party, this state, and this country better off than when I entered it. This opportunity presented to me by the New York GOP is one that won’t go to waste.
I’m not writing this blog post to boast about my new position, nor am I writing it to pat myself on the back. I’m writing it because I’m honored by this appointment, appreciative of the opportunity to stand alongside such a prestigious and hardworking group of men and women, and proud to help to shift this state in the right direction.