by | Sep 22, 2016 | Politics, Yuri Vanetik
In Los Angeles County as a whole, roughly 60,000 people pass away every year from a variety of causes. Of those 60,000 deceased members of LA County, roughly 215 of them will cast a vote to help decide who will take political office. These votes, which seemingly occur... by | Aug 10, 2016 | Politics, Yuri Vanetik
This post was originally published in the Daily Beast. U.S. politics and its voters are often insular and inward looking, but right now the same issues Americans care about are creating a firestorm in other parts of the world. By now, it’s undeniable: America’s... by | Jun 28, 2016 | Politics
Depending on what news network you choose to indulge in, you’ve likely been exposed to a hefty amount of political advertising and not-so-subtle agenda pushing for either Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, or Hillary Clinton, the accompanying Democrat....