Trump Lets Personality Take Front Seat in Kelly Interview

When Donald Trump took to Twitter on May 17 to encourage his 8.28 million followers to tune into Fox News that evening for his interview with political pundit Megyn Kelly, most of us had an inkling that the highly-anticipated interview more than likely went well. An...

Fed Considers Raising Interest Rates

No one could reasonably have expected interest rates to remain at near-zero forever, and after more than six years at this level, 2015 may be the year we finally see them go up. The debate between those who want to see the rate raised and those who want to see it stay...

Houston’s Economy

An article in The Economist says it accurately and concisely: “Houston is an oil town.” And recently this oil town has been booming. The article cites two important statistics to support this – “In the decade to 2010, the population of its metro area grew more...